Sunday, January 15, 2012

I have been a busy bee! Not only do I work two jobs but I go to school. I'm tired! Since I last wrote I had two job prospects, it doesn't look like either will pan out. I have to say I was really depressed about this situation. Today I subbed in a kindergarten class and loved this morning. I don't think that I could actually teach kindergarten but I definitely enjoyed my day. This job hunting thing is getting to be a daunting task. The harder I try the less response I get. I know that I want to teach but how much do I have to invest just to get into the classroom? I have to find a way to get a job and keep my sanity in doing so.

Subbing does have its perks. I get to leave at the end of the day without worrying who didn't complete their work or who might have trouble on standardized tests. I do worry that I'm out of the loop as to what teachers are worrying about these days. I have heard talk about teachers being paid for performance and advanced degrees. I can't believe that teachers are actually going to be paid for some how prodding 30 students to perform on a test. (It's like get the horse to drink water even if he isn't thirst.) What's next?

Education does not happen in a vacuum. It takes a village and the village does not just consist of the classroom teacher. When will some personal responsibility be acknowledged or even parental responsibility? What about the principal making sure that his staff is empowered and innovative? I guess it's easier to just let the weight of education rest on the shoulders of the teacher because they can be replaced. We don't see principals being expelled as quickly as a teacher who's student's scores are low.

Education is in trouble. Educators are in trouble. We have to find a way to rejuvenate the education system with strategies and concepts that work. No more of the, "we have always done it this way and our students have been fine." No we have to make education a meaningful learning experience for all students. We need to build up novice teachers so that they too can be successful every year without the fear of lossing their jobs. We need good leaders to guide us through education reform so that students and everyone involved are winners.

Knowledge comes to those who seek it. What knowledge will we bestow on those 30 faces looking at us from behind their desks? I hope it is useful and engaging. I hope that it peaks their interest and keeps them wanting more. Because isn't that what educations is about learning and loving what we are learning?

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