Thursday, December 1, 2011


This is just a quick test posting from my iPod!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I hope everyone out there reading this has a great Thanksgiving! I will be spending it with my family. It's times like these I wonder how other people spend their holidays. Do they eat turkey or tamales? Do they fry rice or make stuffing? This country has become so multicultural that I'm often wondering if I missed out on something, say for instance, pie or sopapillas? How every you spend the holidays may it be safe and comfortable.

I will share with you folks some of my recipes if you like, I make a killer crustless pie!

The Art of Being a Better ESL Teacher: ESL Teaching Methodology | Classroom Hero ESL Activities

The Art of Being a Better ESL Teacher: ESL Teaching Methodology | Classroom Hero ESL Activities

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I guess I could entitle all my posts with the title, "Life" because, let's face it, stuff happens!  I have just been plug'n along because what else can you do when jobs are scarce and you have vanity issues that are expensive.  I travel a lot for my job (as a sub) and find myself in strange schools, in classrooms with strange kids and teachers who don't quite know how to deal with me.  I go to a school this week, which I haven't been to in awhile and ran into a principal that I worked with (as a volunteer not doubt) and said, "hi," and went about my day.  I catch up with him later and he hands me a card and says, "email with your cell number so we can chat."  I'm like either he wants me to volunteer again or he's gonna offer me a job.  So I email him but didn't get a call.  Now, I'm thinkin' that either he didn't get the message or he just forgot.  I was contemplating email him again and asking, "did you get my email or what?" But I refrained and...actually I just forgot (life remember?).  Well, I've been having computer issues lately, my computer doesn't want to do what I want it to.  I guess computer programing is something I'm gonna have to pick up a degree in after all.  Anywho, I kept checking my email because I'm waiting for the email that says, "you have a rich relative and he's leaving you all his money," and low and behold there it is, the very email that I need that states, "I may have a long-term sub position you would be perfect for."  Hooray!!! Praise Jesus, I might actually have a job in the spring. 

For those of you that don't know, substitute teaching is not considered experience in the world of teaching.  Yes, you do exactly what a teacher does, TEACH, but you don't have all the headache.  I mean, I don't plan the lessons or worry about assessments but I do wrangle students to the floor and I do tie shoes, wipe noses and attend recess just like a regular teacher.  You have to be licensed to sub and why, heck, I've got experiences that would make a blind man see!  But, alas I can only put on my resume that I have a JOB not a teaching experience.  What a shame because I have some great stories and experience that will help me when I do have my own classroom.  I should also note that I don't even get paid a lot of money.  I'm barely able to get my nails done now a days.  (I let my two days a week at the mega-store pay for my hair...oh wait! My husband does that, never mind I spend that on food or makeup which ever I need at the moment.)

We were talking about life...well now my little life is complete.  Right? No, not yet but it getting there.  I should put in my plug for this evenings entertainment, which requires me to be out after midnight until about 2 am.  I'm not gonna be a happy camper tomorrow since I have to work...AT MY SCHOOL which I call HOME!  I interviewed with them again, (I don't know if I mentioned that) but I didn't get the job.  That's ok I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna have to look else where to find a new home. :(

This life stuff is not as fun as it used to be and I can really tell that I'm getting a little cynical. I'm starting to view life as a chore and I don't like that. I notice that my students are a tuned to my attitude (they can also smell fear) and react.  I try to put on a brave face but some days I just want to sit behind the desk and let them run amuck! I'm not the real teacher there so why should I worry about their educations, right?  Wrong!!! That's not how this sub rolls! We work and we get things done.  No matter how miserable I am I can't just let myself be oblivious to what's going on in the classroom.  I have to try to give students some education. I mean, I'm there why not make the best of it. Why not teach those rugrats something, ANYTHING that will get them to college or the White House. (Yes, I do think highly of myself.)  But then there is life!

Life has a way of sucking the air out of your lungs and leaving you feeling like your life is hanging in the balance.  I think everyone has those moments.  The thing is I keep having them.  I wonder if this is a test of MY emergency broadcast system.  I need this because too long have I been complacent in my own life.  It's not like I'm a slacker or anything I just think maybe there is more that I could do.  But my heart is in teaching, what else could I do?  I don't want to venture down that road because I know that my anal-retentive personality could work for a company that pays its employees and offers incentives like heath insurance. No, I want to teach! And now were back to just plain ol' Life!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


I was so fortunate that this weekend I got to go to the TESOL conference here in Denver, CO.  It was filled with so many amazing topics and ideas.  I can't tell you how I was reassured that all the ways I considered to be "best pratices" are actually empirically proven.  I know, silly, right?  But I have been at this for a long time (school, practicums, volunteering, and tutoring) and all the ways I try to teach really do work.  I will try to share some of my ideas here later but I also had a very sad event this weekend, my doggie died!  We are really sad and upset.  It is very overwhelming at times and it takes so much to keep it together. 

I wanted to share more but I just can't find the words! 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


As I lay here waiting, I'm thinking about how every time I have a job interview I prepare for what I think might be asked and then I'm asked something totally off the wall.  I never know and it's just becoming annoying being asked, "describe yourself in three words."  Totally awesome teacher!!! That's three words! No, they don't want hear that, they want adjectives that, while you're coming up with evoke many teaching situations that totally contradict what is coming out of your mouth. I don't know how many times I have come up with these lists only to forget them. I know that I can teach, doesn't that count for anything?  I made it through college, doesn't that count as well?  No, they want to know what I would do if a student refused to sit down, I would make him stand in the corner that's what I would do...just kidding or am I? I know certain scenarios usually need clarification, I really don't know what I would do because NO ONE will give me an OPPORTUNITY to find out!

When I was in college, I didn't venture into a classroom by myself, there was always a teacher there.  She was in charge and ran the show.  I was a "helper" who got to observe and sometimes teach a lesson.  Yes I was learning but I was not in charge.  So if a situation arose she would handle it.  I was free to wander the classroom and chat or point out that that dog only has three legs.  Fast forward to the end of the semester, students gave me cards and hugs and promised to write but I usually never heard a peep from them.  When college is done that's when the fun begins.

I student taught at a school that was perfect.  I had a wonderful mentor and the staff was top notch!  I enjoyed my student teaching.  I didn't feel stressed, I worked but not too hard and a made great friends.  I learned that teaching is a fulfilling career that doesn't have to consume your life.  I learned that planning was my best friend and that organization was not my cup of tea.  I feel like what I learned in my college classes that prepared me for teaching left out that as the teacher you have to "get kids to sit down" or "choose to abandon a poor lesson even if it is all you have."  They don't tell you that kids are people and have agendas of their own.  But you learn!

Back to the school, I did my time and passed with flying colors! Loved every minute of it. So when it came time to apply for a job I hesitated. I didn't feel that I had what it took.  That next year I was ready, so I applied for a job there.  I didn't get a call.  No worries, I applied again, it was a part time position but a position.  I didn't get it.  So I applied again but this time for two jobs and guess what I got a call (I did stalk the principal a little bit).  I go to my interview and it's all my friend and teammates from previous years.  I started sweating, my mouth went dry, my hands were all clammy and every word that came out of my mouth had nothing to do with what they were asking.  Here I am at "MY" school and I was failing miserably.  Needless to say, I didn't get the job.

So every time a position opens up I apply.  I email all the right people and advertise myself.  I play up that I have personal connections to the school and how I'm familiar with the staff and students.  I don't get called.  I just can't get another interview.  This last time I applied, I was so disappointed that all I received from the school was a generic district response that I was not chosen.  I was crushed.  It was literally the straw that broke the camel's back.  I was done there!  My husband said that I needed to give up on my dream of working there and look elsewhere.  So I did.

I applied at other schools.  I got interviews in other districts.  But no jobs.  I scoured the websites for job postings and applied for every single job that was available and required a warm body.  One day I stumbled upon a job listing for MY school and I painstakingly applied.  I couldn't help myself.  I figure that if I don't apply for the job, the heavens are going to open up, God will come down and slap me in the face and say, "this was your job, fool!"

Well today I got that call!  I have an interview tomorrow.  I have been back and forth with "they just called because they're tired of seeing your name on every job opening" and "sure I'm a good candidate for the position and why not with all the connections I have at the school."  But some where in the back of mind all I can think about is, "what if I don't get?"  How will that effect my moral? Rejection is all I have received from MY school when will I receive a position.  I guess in a way I feel "entitled" to some favoritism.  Did I not volunteer and sub all those hours for those that called on my at short notice?  Yes, yes I did!!

Tomorrow my friends I will give it my all again.  To a school that I would love to teach at but I have not quite made it there yet.  I know that the right job will come along and I will be where I'm supposed to be but what if it's not at MY school?  Then what? I will make new friend and play nice with the kids just the same but I know that it won't be MY school. 

Well, here's to me and MY school, may we united or part ways, which ever the course let it be a happy one!!!

Just a Share!